Friday, July 26, 2013

Northbound to Goa!!

26 July

Boo for 5:15am* wake up calls, Yeah for the next part of my great Indian adventure!!

Arrived at Mangalore central train statin at 5:55 am for our 6:17 train. 
Holy crap these are crazy long trains!!

We booked tickets yesterday and we didn't really have any choice for seat class, so we're in the general seating area.. I look forward to the eventual back pain these seats and a seven and a half hour ride will deliver.....

Knackered** but on our way to Goa for six fabulous nights!! 

Pro tip: always double check your tickets at the station.. Apparently a Dutch "6" looks like an "8".. So instead of getting tickets for today (26 July), the ticket agent issues tickets for the 28 of July. We had to buy new tickets on the train..  our R160 fare ($3 for both of us) turned into a R 680 fare ($11.50) due to a fine...Still not too bad... 

Looking out the train door at the back of our car- which is just open. Yes, I know I am a klutz and no, I didn't get close to the edge as I highly doubt they'd stop if I fell out :). 

Looks a bit like Florida if you ask me....

But Seriously, this country is unbelievably beautiful. 

Ultimately we made it to Margao train station in the state of Goa.  We're staying on the west side of Panaji so after an hour taxi ride we were finally at the hotel!! One night here, then we move to a two bedroom apartment I found in Air BnB. One of the few good things about traveling during monsoon season? Everything is super cheap :). 

Getting settled then off to explore Panjim and find some food. So excited to actually be here and the ability to chill out, not worry about schedules and just relax for a few days!!!

* after three consecutive early mornings please do not expect these to be coherent, sensical or in any way entertaining :). 

** ok, knackered, and in need of hair product or a blow out bc holy crap I am either sporting a serious maltese fro, or my hair is limp and scraggly from constantly being pulled back in a ponytail. 

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