Holy crap today has been rediculous.
Like seriously, sillily, redonculous. Some of it is crazy just because of where I had breakfast, some of it because of flight schedules, and some of it because I am absolutely incapable of being patient or thinking clearly when I am overly exhausted.
Let us start where the last post left off- leaving London.
So, once I knew that I was missing my connecting flight, had tried calling Expeida India like 5 times to re-book and got absolutely nowhere, couldn't do much till I landed in Mubmai and was in for an adventure one way or another and there was not a damn thing I could do about it.... I passed out. I fell asleep sometime before the official "we're OK to leave" announcement and take off and slept for about 6 hours. At least I was a bit more functional and not a complete cranky zombie this morning as a result.
One of the things that made today just crazy? I woke up somewhere over Pakistan and had breakfast having just crossed over into Indian air space, which means I have officially crossed some imaginary line of the farthest away from home I've ever been. word.
The next thing that made today memorable, if not exhausting, is that the three hour flight delay ment that I had not only missed my connecting flight- but since I booked it separately via Expedia- British Airways basically gave me a big fat finger and told me to go sort myself out. Long story short (including getting lost after transfering from the international to domestic terminals, getting a ride in a motorized rickshaw contraption and seeing my life flash before my eyes at least seven times in a five minute ride while trying to find the rebooking office), I discovered that there was one additonal flight to Mangalore that night, but it got in super late. The idea of being alone with all my stuff at 11 pm at an airport I didn't know and still 125 km away from where I'm trying to go was really unappealing.. go figure. And I didnt' really want to stay in Mumbai because it just seems way too big, and I really had the urge to get down to southern India today.. and had I mentioned I was still pretty tired? So, I made a snap decision to get a ticket to Bangalore instead of the late Mangalore flight/ staying in Mumbai.
Here's ther part where I explain why I am an idiot, but at the same time why I am actually a genius.
Why I am an idiot:
In my mind, Bangalore was only about 20 or 30 KM farther from Kannur than Mangalore, just in a slightly different direction. In reality, it's actually about three times as far. Mangalore -> Kannur is about 125 KM. Bangalore -> Kannur is actually around 325 KM. Callicut, one of the cities with a regional airport that was on the list of options to fly into, is the one that's 20 or 30 KM farther. Don't judge. I haven't really slept a full night since I think Tuesday. When I discovered my error, about 15 min before boarding the plane, I had a mini melt down because I knew I was going to be stuck in Bangalore for the night. I took about 30 seconds to calm down, then decided to just put on my big girl pants and sort out a plan. Which I did, and it is awesome.
Why I am really genius and I am so happy this happened:
I decided to book a hotel for the night and just chill out, take a shower, relax, and get to Kannur tomorrow. I found a booking agent at the hotel who not only hooked me up with a pretty decent rate for a really beautiful, clean, comfy hotel, but also helped me get a cab and made sure I felt totally comfortable (he got the cab drivers name and number and called the hotel right in front of me and the driver to let them know I was to be expected, and gave them the driver's info). I really, really apreciated that!
About half way through the 25 min cab ride I realized that holy shit- I'm actually in India!!!
No, seriously, I'm in INDIA!
I have been so focused on so many logistical issues since two days before I left that sitting in the car, happy with my plan, I was able to relax and just take a look outside the window and start to process it. Which was kind of cool. And silly and rediculous at the same time.
So with that I am going to say goodnight- showered (for the first time since Saturday), in a very comfy king sized bed (first bed since Friday), and hopefully about to get 8 hours of blissfull sleep (since the plan for tomorrow is to be picked up from the hotel at 11 am and then driven to Kannur via private driver/ taxi). In the end I'll get to Kannur tomorrow afternoon- a day late to my program, but I talked to the coordinator tonight and they are totally cool with it and really, it's one day out of three weeks... It's all good.
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