A few first impressions:
* when they say the "slums" are built up against the airport, they are not kidding.. a sea of blue tarps, tin and various materials acting as roofs double as a guide to the runway and literally butt up against the airport fence.
* I saw an entire family living under a tarp on a median dividing a street- someone clipping their toenails while someone else cooked, another watched and a girl, not more than 15 slept, partially covered by a tarp, all in about six square feet of space and two feet away from heavy, noisy traffic.
* any time the car stopped or even slowed down en route to the hotel^ people walked up to the car to beg.. Old women and young children mostly. I was mentally prepared for it in that I knew to expect it, but seeing poverty, not only on this level (entire families) but on this scale (it is e v e r y w h e r e you look) is shocking. Like rattle you to your core, makes you feel desperate shocking.
* crossing the street just in front of the hotel was like playing frogger.
* thankful for the really kick ass restaurant across said crazy street with really yummy food (I was finally ready for curry again after a week of having my own kitchen and cooking for myself while in Goa).. Then had a mix of guilt, apathy, empathy and a feeling of being overwhelmed in general when heading back to the hotel and saw the slums/ housing built up in the narrow space between our building and a riverbank.
* I haven't really been going out at night and have absolutely no need, want, or desire to change that habit while here.
* confirmed that I will absolutely not be getting on a bus in this city...
In other news... i am here with two sets of traveling companions.. Dunja joined Eveline and I after checking out Cochin after the volunteer project ended and the three of us will be traveling together until I leave.. The other set of travel buddies are the fantastic friends that have popped up on my face thanks to the sweat, dirt and humidity.. I am looking forward to ditching these bastards as soon as I can.. But I don't think Mumbai is going to help much in that department..
^ I use the term "hotel" very loosely.. Due to a few flight cancellations (crazy ass monsoon!) our room wasn't open so three of us are squashed into a really, really tiny room.. I'm currently typing this on my iPhone while on a mattress on the floor .. On the bright side, there is wifi and AC and I'm dry, so all things considered, as long as there are no bedbugs or mosquitos (like there were in Parassini), I'm ok..
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