Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mai Mahiu: goats and donkeys and chickens, oh my!

Goats, donkeys and chicken running around were just a normal part of village life.  Again, trying not to be bias, but I have to say the goats were my favorite :)

As far as i can tell, the primary reason for goats in MM is as a food source: roast goat is called "nyama choma" and yes, I tried it while I was there.  I can honestly say it was one of the most flavorful pieces of meat I have ever tasted, but it was chewy and one bite was enough for me. 
Crazy things to do in life: eat goat?  check. 

The goats were so used to people, while they wouldn't really let you pet them, they let you get pretty up close before they moved, and even then, it wasn't too far away.
foraging for food in the garbage

just hanging out on a random tuesday afternoon
goats providing pure entertainment value, just hanging out in a spot of bare land between houses, just off the highway
* you can hear a group of kids in the background asking "wazungu, how are you?"

Totally used as pack animals all over the village.  we ran into them mostly pulling carts with blue water containers or small, almost flat bed type wagons.  If they weren't working they were just hanging out, eating, sleeping or doing whatever it is that donkeys do.

It was so crazy to see both goats and donkeys just roaming around the streets, rummaging through garbage looking for food.
Taken in front of Transit Hotel first thing in the morning

We found them everywhere- in cages, roaming around houses and buildings, and foraging alongside the goats for grubs, as well as a group that looked like they were egg laying hens.  Everyone knows what chicken look like, not going to bore you with photos on that count :) 

My craziest chicken story while in Mai Mahiu: we were at transit for lunch, about ready to head back to Ngeya for the afternoon session and we watched one of the women working carry back two live chicken into the kitchen.  Dinner tasted very fresh that night =)

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